Luncheon with Hoda Kotb
Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post.
Blogging has its perks and headaches but when I am able to attend an event that is truly inspirational and moving I am especially thankful for the opportunity. I attended a luncheon at Hunt & Fish Club in NYC hosted by The Moms where Hoda Kotb spoke to a room fIlled with mothers, aunts and friends about the background behind her new book, Where We Belong. She spoke candidly about her personal and professional life, the choices she has made and the chances she took to get where she is today. We hung on to each word and I’m sure everyone in the room was able to relate to some of the stories and feelings she so openly shared. Hoda’s positive attitude and outlook on life is contagious and many people in the room stood up to share some of their own personal challenges. She gave advice, words of encouragement and some much needed hugs. I can not wait to read her new book!